Hi all, I know I haven’t kept up with the newsletter or blog posting. I am working on updating my web presence and need to know, what can I do for you.
It is time for me to update my web site. What would you like to see in my new web site? What can we do better? What Do you like that we already do well?
I really have enjoyed seeing the fish aspect of what you do. Especially in the early days of building and expanding, and experimenting. The documentation of your trials and tribulations have helped me and countless others I’m sure. You have always been a very helpful person, and I love that you have consistently been very thorough in any explanation that you give. I’d like to see system updates. I think I recall that you had a child at some point, congratulations on that. Having three of my own, I know that this can drastically change one’s focus and energy.
Thank You Will, Yes my energies have been diverted some over the years. I am still Farming and yes I have a family now. I have not had much time/energy to devote to the web site but I really should do some work on it sometime. (That along with writing a book and a few others on my to do list never seem to take priority though.)