Muir Woods Redwood Trees-Golden Gate Seed Co.
By TCLynx, on March 20th, 2016

Muir Woods Redwood Trees

Muir Woods Redwood Trees
Muir Woods National Monument. The star attraction of Muir Woods is the coastal Redwood Trees. These relatives of the Giant Sequoia are known for their height. While redwoods can grow to nearly 389 feet (115m), the tallest tree int he Muir woods is 258 feet. Now you can take home and plant the beautiful trees as these seeds will germinate in about 4 weeks. Please use a well drained soil and sow about 1/8 inch deep. Keep soil moist but not soggy. Once sprouted give full son or part shade. This is a fast growing tree and can reach heights up to 380 feet in the wild. You can control the growth by keeping them in a container. Enjoy.
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