If you are anything like me, you may really enjoy listening to wonderful speakers with accents. If you do, I think you would really enjoy coming to our Practical Aquaponics for Everyone Workshop here in Central Florida Sept 16-19
It will be a great chance to get to listen to Murray Hallam speak. This is an incredibly enjoyable man to listen to, he tells his stories in wonderfully entertaining ways and I could probably sit an listen to him all day if given the opportunity.
That is right,

Now if you attend you will also get to hear me speak instead of just see my type (sorry about that, I sometimes can’t imagine why anyone would want to listen to me, coming from an Audio engineering background I tend to cringe when I hear my own voice through a sound system. But I promise, when I get going about aquaponics, plumbing, growing your own food, I’ll get past those distractions.)
We Have Michael Cosmo organizing the event and speaking. He once worked with New Alchemy Institute.
And another Accent, Sahib will be speaking and his specialty is feeding community in an urban environment using otherwise wasted space and getting creative about putting it all together.
And then our added teachers! Yay, We get to have Jesse Hull and Molly Stanek.
Jesse Hull possesses nearly 20 years experience in integrating hydro-organics, bio-filtration, horticultural lighting, and energy recycling into healthy sustainable food production systems. As former Horticultural/ R&D Director of Sweet Water Organics and current partner of Imagine Aquaponics, Jesse is working to establish commercial facilities in strategic areas through a continued focus on urban farm and aquaponic design.
Molly Stanek did the insect control in aquaponics workshop at the Aquaponics Association Conference last fall and we are excited to have her join us here for our Workshop.
I’m eager to get some tips from Murray, Molly and Jesse in fine tuning my farm operation.
You come to my farm and you get to see a lot of REALITY. It is not all dressed up as Sun and Fun if you are planning Commercial Farming with your aquaponics. While I know it can be done because there are other people out there doing it (not that many though since I only count the ones that have been operating for more than a year or two) I’m not yet claiming that it is viable since I’m only just getting started. I have plenty of examples of “what NOT to do”.
Please Join us for Practical Aquaponics For Everyone
So funny to see this post…I was just thinking the same thing; how nice it will be to hear all those wonderful accents in person for once. I am extremely excited! Looking forward to meeting you there:)
Great to hear it. I think we will have lots of fun. It’s a great group of people and we are all excited to share aquaponics.