Tour De Tanks
While this is a free event, Please do register so I can know how many people to expect each day.
Tour de Tanks Registration
Special Free Tours for the Tour de Tanks event
Aleece (TCLynx) Landis, Aquaponic Lynx LLC, Farm
8748 Guava St., Yalaha, FL 34797
Tour Date/Time: April 15, 16, 18, from 10 am–Noon
System Types: Counter top, backyard, mid-sized, commercial and more
Details: Systems with fish tanks anywhere from 2 gallons up to 1000 gallons. Media beds, raft beds, Zipgrow towers, pond plant beds and more. Mosquito fish, Bluegill, Channel Catfish, vermiponics and duck-a-ponics. For more information about this tour, please contact
While this is a free event, Please do register so I can know how many people to expect each day.
Tour de Tanks Registration
2 people attending.