2012 Practical Aquaponics workshop accommodations

If you booked your attendance at the workshop but haven’t yet arranged your hotel accommodations, here is the link you have been waiting for.
Special Conference Booking Page
The conference is being organized by Planet Stewards so you will be going to the Doubletree by Hilton, Planet Stewards reservation site.

If you haven’t yet registered for the workshop. What are you waiting for? Read the original blog post or register here

This is Aquaponics for everyone! And Aquaponics of Every Kind! We are teaching what you need to know to put together just about any kind of system and combination systems. If there is a method, we are probably trying it. We are also offering hands on time with backyard scale construction techniques of various kinds.

So please, come meet Murray Hallam, TCLynx, Sahib, and Cosmo and learn what we can teach and get to ask questions, try some things and get to ask questions again.

Aquaponics can be addictive and if you are having trouble getting started because you don’t know quite where to start, we can help you get past your initial “Aquaponics Insomnia can’t figure out what to do phase” and on to actually building something so you can learn and move on to your next challenge of making it even better.

Aquaponics can also appeal to those who just want really simple gardening with automatic watering, automatic fertilization and a relaxing place to sit and watch the fish surrounded by wonderful plants while saving water for the whole garden.

Then there are those of us who didn’t get a train set as children and we love tinkering and directing the water flow and playing with the adult version of tinker toys and Aquaponics can appeal to us too. Designing and re-fining systems is a great hobby that has the added benefit of providing fish and plants to eat.

Tending plants and working with water can be tremendously therapeutic, Aquaponics can provide a place to to get that relaxation while also gaining the products of the plants and the fish at the same time.

So please join us this fall near Disney for 4 days full of every kind of aquaponics and of all sizes from micro systems through backyard, small farm and even commercial scale.
Special Conference Booking Page
The conference is being organized by Planet Stewards so you will be going to the Doubletree by Hilton, Planet Stewards reservation site.

If you haven’t yet registered for the workshop. What are you waiting for? Read the original blog post or register here

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