Description: Large leaf from mature Aloe Vera plants. Gel from the leaves can be applied to skin and burns to facilitate healing. The gel can also be juiced or used in health drinks. Aquaponically grown which means the . . . → Read More: Yalaha Locally Grown Market Open Week of Aug 17-21
We picked up a batch of Channel Catfish Fingerlings this week.
So for those in the area who want to get a small quantity of fingerlings for your AP systems, I have fish available at this price for the next two months or until I run out. After two months I adjust price based on . . . → Read More: Channel Catfish Fingerlings August 2015
In the past people have asked me about what air stones I used. Well the answer has changed since the Aquatic Eco Systems Sweetwater Air Diffusers are NOT the same anymore! However, the Originals are still being manufactured (just not under the old trademarked name) and are Now available here!
The past week at the farm has been all about summer clean up. I am really only opening the online market in case anyone wants to get some channel catfish as we will be cleaning out another tank this Friday. Please go to and sign up if you would like to order. I need . . . → Read More: Market Ordering Aug 5-6 2015 for Aug 7 Pickup
New Product, Only available at limited times each year because we do not harvest fish weekly. Channel Catfish. Fresh Harvested, Whole NOT cleaned. Average fish is 3 or 4 lb. Smallest order is 1 3 lb fish. ($3 per lb so $9 minimum order.) You bring a cooler and ice to get it home. Aquaponically . . . → Read More: Market Offerings July 27-30 Channel Catfish
Had a really slow week here this past week. It has been hot and somewhat rainy and the lettuce is not holding quality as well after harvest (which is normal for this time of year.) I’m shutting down my offerings to the Orlando Home Grown Co-op until I have more to offer in the fall. . . . → Read More: Weekly Update July 19, 2015
Plumbing through tank walls is made much easier and less expensive using a Uniseal®. Unlike bulkhead fittings a Uniseals can handle slight irregularities or curvatures without leaking. With a sturdy backing, a Uniseal® can even be plumbed through liner.
Bulkhead fittings often have limited connection options and force the use . . . → Read More: Uniseal®, individual