Aquaponics Association Conference 2011

I will be one of the classroom speakers for the Aquaponics Association Conference in Orlando, Florida, September 2011. I will be teaching about basic plumbing and teaching tips for plumbing a mixed type aquaponics system together in case you are thinking of mixing media beds, rafts or NFT all into one system, I . . . → Read More: Aquaponics Association Conference 2011

The Joy of Being Green

No I don’t mean being green like saving the planet. I simply mean a pH test being in the green. Now this is the API freshwater master test kit pH test that measures from 6.0-7.6 where yellow would be dangerously low (not because 6 is too low but because you can’t tell if it might . . . → Read More: The Joy of Being Green

I’ve harvested Lufa Sponges

Lufa Sponges

I had been searching for good summer crops for our hot humid long Florida summers. Well, Lufa is turning into a bumper crop.

Lufa is a relative of Squash, Zucchini, cucumbers and gourds. The vines, flowers, leaves and fruit look a lot like cucumbers on steroids. The small immature fruits are . . . → Read More: I’ve harvested Lufa Sponges

New Catfish Fingerlings

It took a really long time but we finally got our new batch of catfish fingerlings.

I know I’m strange but I can be mesmerized watching water flow and watching fish is even more fun. So, I thought I’d share some video.

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Permits for aquaponics

Some one asked me the other day if they needed a permit or anything like that for aquaponics. Also just the other day I was trying to figure out if I needed any special extra license, permit or something in order to sell fresh produce. I spent hours searching for answers. And way back when . . . → Read More: Permits for aquaponics

Duck Yard Time Lapse June 2011

This is the June installment of the Duck Yard Time Lapse Videos. Not too much to say about it other than there will be more changes coming to the Duck-a-ponics system in July.

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pH please have patience

Originally posted by TCLynx on AGC, June 15, 2010

We are talking about aquaponics which is supposed to be a living ecosystem, it is not a lab test kit. I have lately heard of several occasions where people used drastic measures to adjust pH and some of the situations were not so good for fish . . . → Read More: pH please have patience

Water Chestnuts

Originally posted by TCLynx on AGC, June 20, 2010

Just lately I ordered some water chestnut plant starts. I’ve read that fresh water chestnuts (which of course are not nuts but actually more like a corm that grows attached to the plant roots under ground under water) are so much better than the canned variety . . . → Read More: Water Chestnuts

Duck Yard Time Lapse May 2011

And here is the May installment of the Duck Yard Time Lapse Videos. I missed deleting the shots with myself adding a new small grow bed up at the far end of the duck river by the duck tank. This month we also have an addition of a side pool to the duck-a-ponics system as . . . → Read More: Duck Yard Time Lapse May 2011

Duck Yard Time Lapse April 2011

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Continuing the monthly time lapse video compilations with April 2011. The Duck-a-ponics system doesn’t have any drastic changes through April but I expect it to get more exciting when I stitch it all together.