I’m proud to announce a new product for my lineup. Please Welcome the FLOUT® Family
Flout family
The FLOUT® Family of Siphon Alternatives. FLOUT stands for floating outlet. 1, 2, and 3 inch FLOUT® Floating Outlets designed to automatically quickly flush a tank after the level reaches the desired height no matter . . . → Read More: NEW Product FLOUT®
Basic one Zipgrow tower and 5 gallon bucket stand. Could be used for a goldfish or simply hydroponics or just as a way to have one tower inside to make harvesting your herbs and salad right in the kitchen possible.
I’m working on a ups and extras kit to supply the more specialized parts for a person to build an aquaponics system based on my 300 gallon system. I will include the uniseals, gravel guards, indexing valve, pump, and timer. And you will source your own stock tanks, blocks, and plumbing parts which can all . . . → Read More: Stock Tank Ponics
My big order of Zipgrow towers arrived today and to celebrate I’m having a sale.
Planted towers in evening
5′ Hanging ZipGrowTM Tower $89.95 SALE $75.95 Part: ZGS-T5H
Our Patent Pending 5′ Hanging ZipGrowTM Tower is designed for hobbyists and conveyor style commercial plant production operations. This tower is hung by a removable . . . → Read More: Zipgrow Tower Sale
I’m so sick of travel now days so I’m very happy to be back home. Looks like I have work to do outside but all I could do was a quick look around with the flashlight when I got home tonight. I seem to have inherited some new chickens, odd they are tiny, I wonder . . . → Read More: Home again
Hay just a quick blog post to let everyone know about a new page added to my site about the plumbing class I gave at the Aquaponics Association Conference. Right now the page isn’t much but it has a link to the PDF of my presentation slides and it’s a place you can make comments . . . → Read More: Plumbing Class PDF
WOW. It was a great conference, a resounding success and a big hand to the Ladies who pulled it off.
Now I did not have my camera with me around the conference so anyone who wishes to share pictures, I’m interested. Contact me here through the web site or e-mail me. Perhaps I could . . . → Read More: Aquaponics Association Conference Update after
Very soon, perhaps too soon. I will only be home for one day before the conference Farm Tours. But That means everyone gets to see what is real, not something that has been prettied up just for the tour. My Systems have gone most of the past month without much attention from me since . . . → Read More: Aquaponics Association Conference
I’m happy to announce that I’m now selling through the Orlando Home Grown Co-op. At the moment I only have Lufa sponges available to sell but as the season cools off this fall I hope to provide more and set up a display aquaponics system in the Market and provide towers to the market for . . . → Read More: Orlando Home Grown Co-op