[Show as slideshow] Ok, home from the First Market Day. Was slow since last weekend was the big weekend at that market but I still got to talk to lots of people about aquaponics and I’m going back tomorrow. I definitely need some posters and banners.
I’ve done a bit of a re-design on . . . → Read More: First Market Day
All right this is the eve of my first trip to Market with Aquaponics stuff and Lufa. I’ll be At Renningers Flea Market (up the hill from the Antique Market) in Mount Dora, Florida tomorrow (Sat, 11/26/11.) I’ll be out in the Field Row 7 space 3. White Truck with White tarp up over it . . . → Read More: Going to Market
Quick announcement to say I got some new products for you.
A new pump for my lineup!!!! The EcoPlus 264. My new favorite tiny little pump. 20 watts to run a little aquarium system or single tower bucket set up. The Eco 264 is the only one I’ve actually used so far but I can . . . → Read More: NEW PRODUCTS
Hay Guys sorry I’ve been too busy to do much in the way of pictures or video lately.
The Zipgrow Tower system has expanded to 40 towers.
I’m frantically trying to get enough seedlings grown up to fill up all my new Zipgrow towers so I can start providing fresh herb Towers to the market. . . . → Read More: Been Busy
Just a quick note to everyone to remind you all that I’m here testing out ideas (not all of them turn out to be good ideas so you might want to leave some of them run with me for a while so I can report back) so I can share the results with the world.
There seems to be a fine balance in aquaponics between those who hear of the concept and go out and throw a bunch of fish in a tank and then ask about how to hook up the plants and then on the other side there are people who will study and research and drive them . . . → Read More: Getting Started in Aquaponics
And No, I don’t mean the fish part of it. But vertical Plant Growing, Vertical Aquaponics usually means that the Hydroponic component is vertical as in some form of towers.
There are Pocket tower where one cuts 3 or 4 inch or bigger PVC pipe and heats it to push in and create pockets where . . . → Read More: Vertical Aquaponics
A quick Blog Announcement about the New Zipgrow Tower stands I’ve worked out. This is something that breaks down small enough to ship and will work perfectly with a 50 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank available at Tractor Supply which exists around most of the country.
Ok, this is totally off topic for me but A friend of mine is writing a blog about Occupy Wall Street. Now shameless plug because it’s a friend and I’m stating that up front, but I’m not posting about this just because of friendship, or because the cause is good. Why I’m really posting, I . . . → Read More: Occupy Wall Street
This is just a very quick video post to demonstrate how easy it is to see the difference between media that will keep your pH too high and media that will probably work for Aquaponics.
Tools needed; A glass or clear plastic container Some Vinegar (white or distilled vinegar will be easiest to see through) . . . → Read More: Test your gravel before you buy