Aquarium Aquaponics System 4


As noted previously, my indoor Aquarium Aquaponics system didn’t work well for breeding tilapia. It was too chilly for the female tilapia to really get in the mood. With indoor temperatures between 75 and 78 F the aquarium water temp tended to stay between 70 and 73 F. I wasn’t willing to . . . → Read More: Aquarium Aquaponics System 4

Aquarium system 3


I can say that the aquarium Aquaponics system did work, as an aquaponics system. However, it didn’t work very well for breeding tilapia. See, tilapia like warmer temperatures for breeding and I didn’t want to heat the aquarium.



Now on to No Holes Overflows. These things . . . → Read More: Aquarium system 3

Aquarium system, Building Shelves 2

So how does the Aquaponics Aquarium shelf lifting saga end?

Ahh ratchet strap

Ah the magic tool, the ratchet strap! What the strap around the aquarium wasn’t foreshadowing enough? 🙂 So as you might imagine this process took a few minutes and several strap re-sets.

Reset strap

Just had to find . . . → Read More: Aquarium system, Building Shelves 2

Aquarium system, Building Shelves 1

Aquarium with ratchet strap

Building Shelves

I got this aquarium at good will, the top brace was not holding so I added some wood slats and a strap.

So starts the Aquarium Aquaponics system build. I found these cool brackets that along with 2×4’s make for great shelving. However, my house . . . → Read More: Aquarium system, Building Shelves 1

How it all Started 14, The end.

Well not really The End but I have to choose an arbitrary point at which the “Start” is past. I think that first fish dinner is a pretty appropriate point at which to say, “I made it through the first part of Aquaponics”. The Aquaponics system is not only up and running but producing fish . . . → Read More: How it all Started 14, The end.

How it all Started 13, First Fish Dinner

We decided it was time to sample the products of our labors and have a catfish dinner. While the cook prepared to clean a catfish, I moved some catfish into the quarantine tank to purge. (I don’t think purging is necessary and we don’t bother to do it anymore, we just didn’t know any better . . . → Read More: How it all Started 13, First Fish Dinner

How it all Started 12, Fish Feeder 2

New Feeder Over Catfish

Feeder timer

I finally went ahead and got some new Automatic Fish feeders. We actually tried a fish pond feeder but it was designed to fling the feed out into the middle of a pond and really didn’t work well for our situation for many of the . . . → Read More: How it all Started 12, Fish Feeder 2

How it all Started 11, Tilapia


Tilapia Fingerlings

May 29, 2008 we got tilapia for our Aquaponics System. About 100 small fingerlings and 3 larger ones as breeders, two female and one male.

They traveled in a cooler with a battery powered bubbler for the hour + drive home from Morningstar Fishermen and did fine for . . . → Read More: How it all Started 11, Tilapia

How it all Started 10, Sump Walk

Drained Sump Walk

Perhaps this should be in a list of Bad ideas I came up with. See I had thought to have the first two grow beds drain into this “tank” under the walk way that would then drain into the big tank via a float valve and thereby reduce the amount . . . → Read More: How it all Started 10, Sump Walk

Home Aquaponics

I specialize in Outdoor backyard scale aquaponics systems using flood and drain media beds for filtration and plant growing space. There are plenty of other methods and I’ve been experimenting with some of them as additions to my current backyard systems. Since I have minimal experience with the other methods, I’m not willing to comment . . . → Read More: Home Aquaponics