Re-Usable Lettuce Media for Raft beds


Come On everyone, lets help get this Project to it’s stretch goal! Doesn’t Re-Usable Media for planting lettuce in raft beds sound Awesome???? I think so and I would love to see this project reach the $10,000 goal. Only about a day left to make it.

. . . → Read More: Re-Usable Lettuce Media for Raft beds

Test Your Paint

When setting up a Raft Aquaponics System, Please take the time to test a sample of your intended paint before you spend time painting all your rafts.

The Dow Blue Board that most people use for their rafts in DWC aquaponics is not UV stable and the foam exposed to sun will deteriorate. A simple . . . → Read More: Test Your Paint

Growing Shoots and seed starting

I set up my aquaponics raft bed last fall but haven’t done too much with it so far. I couldn’t find any 2″ foam so was stuck with 3/4″ and that isn’t really high enough for keeping the seedlings from water logging if I were to drill holes and place net pots in the foam. . . . → Read More: Growing Shoots and seed starting

My “Net Pots” or cups with wicks

Cup with holes

cup with holes 2

This will be a long one with lots of pictures. Back when I started doing Hydroponics I was too cheap to buy proper net pots for my DWC but I happened to eat yogurt regularly from little cups with a lip around the top. . . . → Read More: My “Net Pots” or cups with wicks