Well at the beginning of 2011 the 300 gallon aquaponics system looked a bit empty on the plant life but the fish were doing well. Here is a video of that aquaponics system.
Again this is the 300 gallon aquaponics system. That 300 gallon measurement is the fish tank size, attached to that 300 . . . → Read More: 300 gallon video Jan 2, 2011
Let me start by saying I have never (knock on wood) killed a complete stock of fish. However, occasionally things happen and I have lost a few. Most illness in fish is brought on by stress and poor water quality. It is important that when one will be handling the fish the water quality should . . . → Read More: Sometime Fish Get Sick
Our year three initial order of fish. Tiny Channel Catfish fingerlings. Sometimes when you go to get fish, your only choice might be to get what they have on hand or get nothing at all. So at that time we picked up what was supposed to be 100 3-5 inch . . . → Read More: New Catfish Dec 24, 2009
Our first fish choice was channel catfish which turns out to have been a very good choice for outdoor aquaponics here in central Florida. Channel catfish can take the heat just as well as tilapia yet they can also handle the cold and will even keep growing well . . . → Read More: Channel Catfish
The first time we got catfish fingerlings, they were really advanced (large) fish. Most of them had been over 6 inches long when we got them. The second time we got fish, they were much smaller as can be seen in the above picture. These are . . . → Read More: Getting new fingerlings
Well, getting ready for some new catfish so we moved the aquarium outdoors to become the new Quarantine Aquaponics system. We decided the big aquarium indoors was too much moisture for the house and we needed more storage space in the spare room. Well why not set it up outside? . . . → Read More: New Quarantine Aquarium Aquaponics System outside