Cycling and water chemistry issues

There really isn’t much difference in cycle time between methods (and the ways to “speed up cycling” really don’t do all that much to speed it up either, I guess people just like to feel they are doing something pro-active and that is a big part of the problem.) It’s the stress involved when people . . . → Read More: Cycling and water chemistry issues

When Would You Tour the Farm?

Sorry Form disabled. Just testing out a new feedback form to see if I can get it to work and I need to find out what day people would most like to do the farm tour or You Pick out here in Yalaha.

I did not enable Saturday as a choice since that is most . . . → Read More: When Would You Tour the Farm?

Aquaponics Source Water Goggles

What do I mean by source water goggles? Well I’m talking in the realms of aquaponics. Many will teach some hard fast rule or they will speak of a rule in aquaponics that seems to assume that the listener understands some particular assumptions about the source water of a situation.

(I sometimes notice these things . . . → Read More: Aquaponics Source Water Goggles

Inclusive Aquaponics

Aquaponics should be inclusive rather than exclusive. I would rather include more things into the realm of aquaponics and denote the differences of different methods rather than trying to exclude them because some some minor sticking point.

There are so many things that DO work in aquaponics (as long as you avoid the mistakes that . . . → Read More: Inclusive Aquaponics

Do you Enjoy Accents

If you are anything like me, you may really enjoy listening to wonderful speakers with accents. If you do, I think you would really enjoy coming to our Practical Aquaponics for Everyone Workshop here in Central Florida Sept 16-19

It will be a great chance to get to listen to Murray Hallam speak. This is . . . → Read More: Do you Enjoy Accents

New Promo Video

Come on over for our workshop.

We have lots of teachers so you can get plenty of individual attention. Since this video was shot we have added two more instructors that have experience in cold climates and will teach about pest control and water quality and can talk about greenhouse and lighting which we . . . → Read More: New Promo Video

Automatic Fish Feeders are Dangerous

Please use caution if you absolutely must use an automatic fish feeder.

Remember that fish can go a long time without eating.

That said, I’ve done much research into fish feeders and none of them are perfect.

The best I’ve managed to find is

Autopet feeder medium

Automatic fish and pet feeders for aquaponics

. . . → Read More: Automatic Fish Feeders are Dangerous

Don’t let fear stop you

Grow some food. Even if you don’t know what you are doing. Plant something and learn from it. If it doesn’t do well, get on the internet and ask about it or go to the library and read books about gardening in your climate. Gardening varies by climate and method so what works in summer . . . → Read More: Don’t let fear stop you

Aquaponics and plastic system materials

I’ve had many people ask me about PVC and “Risky” plastics and I suppose I need to post about it.

Here is the latest answer I gave.

You need to make a distinction between rigid opaque PVC (like plumbing) and the flexible vinyl that may contain nasty plasticizers (even if certified “food grade” or “Potable . . . → Read More: Aquaponics and plastic system materials

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