New Farm after First Frost

I find it interesting how different types of cold and different growing conditions affect plants differently.

What I mean is one plant that can easily handle a hard freeze can sometimes be totally damaged by frost while another can handle frost but the hard freeze kills it while others it depends on other conditions as . . . → Read More: New Farm after First Frost

Would you attend a $150 one Day backyard hands on Aquaponics Workshop With TCLynx at her farm in Yalaha, FL

I’m planning to offer a basic one day workshop to teach the construction of a simple backyard aquaponics system. This is geared for those who want help getting started on a backyard hobby system but still feel unsure about starting construction based only on what they can learn online or from books. This is a . . . → Read More: Would you attend a $150 one Day backyard hands on Aquaponics Workshop With TCLynx at her farm in Yalaha, FL

Aquaponics, Tilapia, and Duckweed

Ok here is another one of those questions I’ve answered many times and this time when I found myself almost typing out a long post again I decided I should do it on my blog to make referring back to it again much easier in the future.



Often the question is like, . . . → Read More: Aquaponics, Tilapia, and Duckweed

Nov 30, 2012 Update with pictures

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I have been busy lately so haven’t had much time to make individual posts about things. Systems have been expanding and changing.

I’ve been testing and trying some new and different things.

And I’m working on getting my seeding, planting, harvesting schedules down for some steady production.


The weather has . . . → Read More: Nov 30, 2012 Update with pictures

5-Day Intensive Aquaponics Commercial Farm Training February 24th thru the 28th

The Aquaponics Institute presents 5-Day Intensive Aquaponics Commercial Farm Training February 24th thru the 28th

Five full Days Include 11 In-depth Classes 6 Hands-on Workshops 4 Evening Presentations 3 Meals per day Included 12 Industry – Instructors Live Wireless Spanish Interpreting

Registration Link

Ouroboros Farms Commercial Training

Murray Hallam of . . . → Read More: 5-Day Intensive Aquaponics Commercial Farm Training February 24th thru the 28th

Homegrown Co-op’s 5 Year Anniversary Celebration!

Aquaponics Announcement

Homegrown Co-op’s 5 Year Anniversary Celebration! Public Event · By Homegrown Local Food Cooperative Sunday, November 18, 2012 4:00pm until 9:00pm Celebrate Homegrown Cooperative’s 5 Year Anniversary! I will be at the Orlando Home Grown Co-op for their 5 year anniversary event. 2310 N Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32804 Hope to see you . . . → Read More: Homegrown Co-op’s 5 Year Anniversary Celebration!

To the Sandy Survivors

My heart goes out to all those who now have to recover from Sandy.

Our summer family reunions when I was a child took place on the South Jersey Shore.

And it still isn’t over, Hang in there everyone, stay warm stay safe.

Non Recirculating Test

In a discussion on one of the forums some one posted this link. Non-circulating Hydroponic Methods for Growing lettuce.pdf

Which got me to thinking. I have a quarantine system that when I have new fish that are being fed high protein feed, I’m getting rather high nitrate levels but that system isn’t really set up . . . → Read More: Non Recirculating Test

If I wrote a book?

Who would want it?

What if it was just a compilation of what I’ve been saying for the past 5 years plus what I’ve been learning lately packaged into a single document?

I’ve been teaching Aquaponic Plumbing and basic system design/layout for a few years now and I’ve been writing blog posts and answering questions . . . → Read More: If I wrote a book?

Who wants diversion valves?

I’m working on a package that would include a diversion valve with the motorized actuator and a timer/controller for it. This complete kit will probably run about $300.

Diversion valve

Diversion valve for towers

The Valves and actuators can be found through pool supply companies. I will be offering the valve/actuator . . . → Read More: Who wants diversion valves?