Root Pots

Root Pots

Root Pots

Made from 100% recycled material. For soil & soilless gardens. Allows water to evaporate more evenly. Auto-prunes roots & prevents root circling. Creates a dense & fibrous root structure. Allows evaporative cooling in hot climates & provides thermal insulation in cold climates. Root Pots are both ReUsable and Degradable. Root Pots last for multiple seasons of gardening, and begin to break down after about 3 to 5 years as roots begin to break through the container. Root Pots are designed to allow roots to breathe. Root Pots promote vigorous root growth. Unlike plastic pots, Root Pots are designed to break down and return to the earth after multiple seasons of use. Root Pots are not tapered like plastic pots, so they stand up well to strong winds and heavy harvests.

Root Pot with plant

Root Pot with plant

Root Pots can be used in a variety of applications: Great with drip lines and hydroponic flood trays Plants thrive when roots are allowed to breathe Only Root Pots are ReUsable and Degradable Let Root Pots be your choice for containers Made from 100% Recycled Material

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