Putting Bluegill in with the Catfish

Ah well, just yesterday we finished harvesting the rest of the big catfish out of the big system.

Last of the big catfish

Last of the big catfish

So the big tank was empty of fish. It was time to move some of the small catfish out of the tower system and into the big tank. I think we moved about 70 fish to the big tank. (I like about 10 gallons per fish for growing channel catfish out big.)

That left us with 14 channel catfish in the tower system tank.

And I have this 100 gallon tank on the front porch hooked to the big system. for some reason this tank has not done well keeping fish healthy so I’ve decided that tank has to go. The bluegill that were left in that tank have now been moved into the tower system tank with the 14 channel catfish. That puts us at 43 fish in the tower system, 70 (maybe 71) fish in the big system tank, 100 bluegill back in the 300 gallon system and some stray minnows and bluegill in the raft bed turned pond plant tank.

I’ll have to report back later about how the bluegill and catfish get along together in the tower system tank.

4 comments to Putting Bluegill in with the Catfish

  • I think that I am madly in love with you….(lol – I am a catfish farmer)

    Mind if I steal this above picture? Those channel cats are just drop dead beautiful!!!

  • Jolj

    The photo dose not look like channel catfish, are they Bullheads or Big Blues?
    Once the tank system is up & running 8-10 weeks, how much time dose one have to spend with the fish per day?

    • TCLynx

      They are channel catfish, already had their barbs cut off and the cut around the neck to prepare to peal the skin. Those fish are probably all between about 2-4 lb maybe the small one is only 1 1/2lb though.

      Per day, just enough time to feed them and make sure they are eating and there are no dead fish. Assuming you also notice that the pumps are running properly, per day it is probably 15 minutes per feeding (1-3 times per day depending on season/temperature) if you hang around to watch them. Once a week I would also recommend spending about 20 minutes doing water tests. And then of course there is tending to the plants and harvesting food and eating it.

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